Understanding Dual Pricing with Biller Genie
Table of Contents
Biller Genie Technology Fees offers an innovative Dual Pricing option that allows businesses to streamline their payment processes and improve cash flow.
How it Works
With Dual Pricing, Biller Genie adds a line item to your invoices which covers the cost of processing after the card payment has been made. Using this method, the customer has a choice to pay by ACH or cash to not incur the Technology Fee.
Things you should consider when implementing a dual pricing program:
Dual Pricing is available on all card types with no minimum or maximum in terms of the fees you wish to offset.
When setting up your account, Biller Genie creates the technology fee item as non-taxable. If you set the line item to be taxable in your accounting software, Biller Genie will calculate taxes on Technology Fee line items, but at the rate set in Biller Genie. We do not support dynamic sales tax and the tax rate you enter in Biller Genie must match the tax rate set in your accounting software.
You can update the default “Technology Fee” item name in your accounting software to align with your desired account naming conventions.
- Any card type can be charged the Technology Fee with the Dual Pricing mode.
Reconciling Technology Fees:
To adhere to proper GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) standards, we recommend syncing technology fees back to your accounting software using sales receipts. This ensures that the revenue is recorded in the correct month of collection.
While you have the option to sync technology fees as line items, please note that if you follow GAAP standards and lock your invoices after specific periods, Biller Genie may be unable to sync the line item, resulting in a sync error.
The Dual Pricing Checkout Experience
Step 1: Sync the invoice in from your accounting software.
Step 2: The invoice will be shown just as it is in the accounting software.
Step 3: The “New Invoice” email from the invoice messenger is sent to the customer and the total displayed matches the amount from the accounting software.
Step 4: The payment summary screen displays the total amount for the Pay By Card option including technology fees. The Pay by ACH payment option displays the original invoice total amount and acknowledges there are no additional fees for using it as the method of payment.
Step 5: The card checkout screen includes the technology fee added based on the total transaction amount with verbiage below reminding the customer. The ACH checkout will have the invoice total without any additional fee.
Card Checkout
ACH Checkout
Step 6: The emailed customer card payment receipt includes the technology fee line item, and the customer ACH payment receipt simply includes the invoice total.
Card Payment Receipt
ACH Payment Receipt
We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of Biller Genie's Technology Fees with Dual Pricing feature. By leveraging this functionality, you can simplify payment processing, incentivize alternative payment methods, and improve your overall financial operations.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the technology fee line item be added to the invoice?
- Once a payment has been made with a card, the technology fee line item will be added to the invoice after the next sync with your accounting software.
NOTE: The technology fee line item will not be added to the invoice in Biller Genie until the card payment has successfully synced to the accounting software.
If the technology fees feature is enabled in dual pricing mode after invoices have already been synced into Biller Genie from the accounting software, will the technology fees still be applicable to those invoices?
- Yes, since the technology fees are added on a transaction basis, they will still be added to invoices paid with a card once the feature has been enabled and turned on for customers.
If a partial payment is made with a card, will technology fees still be added to the transaction?
- Yes, technology fees are added to the transaction based on the subtotal payment amount.
Should you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We are here to help!
*Note: The image displayed above is for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the exact user interface.*